Los Angeles Free Music SocietynBox set of 13 vinyl LPs, 52 page full color book, 3 posters, download cardnedition of 500 Shop

Double Bind

Rhea AnastasnLeigh LedarenA.R.T. PRESSn2015, 1st edition Shop

Simone Forti: Thinking with the Body

Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Sabine BreitwiesernHirmern2014, 1st edition Shop

Poemfield Zine

Stan VanDerBeeknThe Box Editionsn2014, 2nd edition Shop

Rebel Dabble Babble: Four Audio Works (Signed)

Paul McCarthy and Damon McCarthynBox set of 4 vinyl LPsnedition of 500 Shop

Rebel Dabble Babble: Four Audio Works

Paul McCarthy and Damon McCarthynBox set of 4 vinyl LPsnedition of 500 Shop

Remnants: Artworks From 1965 - 1972

Barbara T SmithnThe Box Editionsn2007, 1st printingn40 pages Shop

Rebel Dabble Babble Posters

Paul McCarthy and Damon McCarthynThe Box Editionsn2012, 1st printingnEdition of 100nset of 8 posters Shop

LAFMS Lightbulb 2012

LAFMSn2012, 1st editionnEdition of 200 Shop